Healthy Lifestyle

Healthy Lifestyle Susan Deeley Healthy Lifestyle Susan Deeley

Weight Loss & Self Compassion

oday I had a client who wanted to lose weight, and she had been assigned to a dietician, a young skinny woman, for help. The dietician gave her some good advice but my client struggled to implement it because she also cooks for a child and a husband, and she has many other things going on in her life, and a long history of weight gain and all the emotional issues that go along with it. When she tried to express to the dietician that she was struggling, the dietician’s response was “well, are you serious about wanting to lose weight or not?”. My client did not feel seen or heard, and didn’t go back.

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Mind & Mood Susan Deeley Mind & Mood Susan Deeley

The body you have.

78% of women of a healthy weight are dissatisfied with their physical appearance. Wow.

Imagine if all that energy that goes into self judgement and criticism, and trying to meet unrealistic goals of our appearance, instead went into creativity, self kindness, an ability to laugh and accept ourselves, into feeding our bodies good food and treating ourselves with deep respect. Into treating ourselves with the same love we would a friend or a child.

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