The body you have.

78% of women of a healthy weight are dissatisfied with their physical appearance. Wow.

Imagine if all that energy that goes into self judgement and criticism, and trying to meet unrealistic goals of our appearance, instead went into creativity, self kindness, an ability to laugh and accept ourselves, into feeding our bodies good food and treating ourselves with deep respect. Into treating ourselves with the same love we would a friend or a child.

Imagine how empowered women could be, and the huge force for good we could be in the world, if we stopped buying into the idea we are not good enough exactly as we are. That we need to change to be acceptable and ok. That we should all look a certain way, all be skinny, fit. What would happen if we all stopped measuring ourselves against some external ideal. What if we recognised our natural goodness.

Men don’t generally do this to themselves, at least not anywhere near to the same extent.

You, we, are ok, exactly as we are, right now. From this space of self acceptance, we can take beautiful care of ourselves.

Susan Deeley

I am a Naturopath serving Australian clients online. Areas of special interest include:

Healthy Ageing, Menopause, Bone/Heart/Brain Health; Gut Health Restoration; Adrenal & nervous system support; Chronic fatigue ME/CFS; Post-viral syndromes, long covid; Autoimmunity, Thyroid health, Hashimotos; Disordered eating; The Power of Plant Foods and Medicines

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