A Healing Diet

What is a healing diet?

Over the years I have experimented with many different ways of eating. Most had something to offer at the time. I have had a chronic condition- Hashimoto’s, a thyroid autoimmune condition- so have experimented with different ways to feel better. My condition has been mild compared to many, but perhaps that’s because I have managed it ok.

One factor common to many diets which have been called “healing diets” by many people looking for a way to resolve and reverse their chronic disease, is reducing or eliminating processed foods. This includes ‘junk foods’, but also most packaged foods with multiple ingredients, and possibly a lot of restaurant and take away foods high in unhealthy fats and other dubious ingredients.

Any healing diet involves returning to a mostly unprocessed food diet- the original food: fruit, vegetables, whole grains, legumes, and for some, meat, seafood and/or dairy. The paleo and keto diets do this, and this may be a large part of their success for some people. Just the elimination of processed foods. This can undoubtedly be a healing step.

For many others, eliminating or reducing meat, seafood and/or dairy has been a significant part of their healing journey.

A diet high in colourful fruits and vegetables is rich in antioxidants. Oxidation is a significant degenerative process in the human body, similar to how an apple turns brown when exposed to air. It is part of the chronic disease process. Processed foods and refined fats contribute to the oxidation process- and colourful fruits and vegetables help to reverse oxidation with their antioxidants.

Many people have healed themselves from chronic diseases- autoimmune, cardiovascular, T2 diabetes etc- with a plant-based diet, or close to one. With a radical increase in fresh foods rich in antioxidants in their diet, less life-giving foods are crowded out.

For people really struggling with chronic illness, I haven’t seen the sort of positive results with other approaches as I have with a radical change to a mostly plant-based diet with no added oils. It is a radical change for many people, especially those eating the standard Australian diet, but has a lot of solid evidence behind it for reversing chronic illness, particularly heart disease, diabetes, and even cancer.

There are many famous proponents of these types of diets- Dr Dean Ornish, Dr Michael Greger, Dr McDougall, Dr Colin Campbell (The China Study), and more, are often dedicated scientists who found through their own research that a mostly plant-based diet reverses many chronic diseases.. Often even against their original beliefs, but the evidence didn’t lie and all have helped many thousands reverse serious health conditions. The Medical Medium Anthony Williams is another one- not a scientist, but with a gift for helping people heal with (radically) more plant foods, especially fruits, vegetables, wild foods and herbs and spices.

These people are often considered extremists and rejected by their peers and many others because the system does not like the idea of healing chronic disease through changing the diet. It has too much investment in other approaches. It seems too simple.

I didn’t always want to look at this, although my diet was good by most standards. This is another level. I know it’s not for everyone. It’s not even the only way to heal. But I have been studying the research for this and it is difficult to ignore the vast amount of evidence. And you don’t even have to do it 100% for benefits, although for many it has helped. There are so many ways to bring in more living plant foods and flood the body with their vital force and nutrients.

In the last 6 months, I have been eating a low fat/no oil mostly whole food plant-based diet, with some occasional animal protein, either kangaroo or fish, when I felt like it, although less and less. I gave up coffee, tea and chocolate too, and already ate very few processed foods and no gluten. I have never felt better, so much more energy and a clear mind. I have lived on fresh juices, smoothies, vegetable dishes, potatoes, so many leafy greens, salads, , some grains and legumes, and have discovered so many great new recipes (I do love to cook and prepare food creatively).

Before now, I have never felt completely satisfied without some animal protein (I am a Pitta-Vata type). I have tried “going vegan” before, and my ferritin dropped dramatically- I wasn’t eating anywhere near enough leafy greens. I also ate too high-fat levels, which you can do with or without animal foods.

Dave my husband has not jumped on board with me completely but has benefited from me doing most of the cooking, and he also feels better than ever (and keeps saying so!) Many niggling health issues, put down to getting older, have just disappeared for both of us.

I already ate pretty well by most standards. This has been another level of healing and vitality.

I will continue to explore more, and share.

Here are some of my inspirations:









Susan Deeley

I am a Naturopath serving Australian clients online. Areas of special interest include:

Healthy Ageing, Menopause, Bone/Heart/Brain Health; Gut Health Restoration; Adrenal & nervous system support; Chronic fatigue ME/CFS; Post-viral syndromes, long covid; Autoimmunity, Thyroid health, Hashimotos; Disordered eating; The Power of Plant Foods and Medicines


A Plant Based DIet


Carb Phobia & Fibre