Healthy Lifestyle

Pro Metabolic Lifestyle Susan Deeley Pro Metabolic Lifestyle Susan Deeley

Oestrogen Dominance

Have you heard of the term ‘oestrogen dominance’ but are not quite sure what it is referring to?

Oestrogen dominance is related to long term stress, which causes “sympathetic dominance”.This refers to our “fight or flight” system being chronically activated. This leads to fatigue, often called “adrenal fatigue” or “chronic fatigue”….

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Lifestyle, Pro Metabolic Lifestyle Susan Deeley Lifestyle, Pro Metabolic Lifestyle Susan Deeley

Self Worth

I find most of the women I work with need to hear and appreciate hearing me say things like:

Looking after kids is already a full time job- then you do paid work as well? It’s a lot you are managing, no wonder you are tired/exhausted etc

Women’s work doesn’t tend to be recognised or acknowledged, so we feel we have to do more and more...but look at everything you are doing.....

As women, mothers and/or wives, we tend to look after all the details of the family life and schedule, often including our husband/partner’s details. There is so much detail to keep track of in today’s world!

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Pro Metabolic Lifestyle Susan Deeley Pro Metabolic Lifestyle Susan Deeley

Chronic Fatigue

Fatigue is a natural normal part of life that normally tells us its time to rest, often at the end of the day, or after a stressful event. A rest, good night’s sleep or holiday, is generally enough to restore the body and mind. However many people experience a chronic fatigue that is debilitating and gets in the way of living the full life they would like to live. There can be many underlying reasons for this type of fatigue.

Here are a few:…..

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