Healing Herbs

Healthy Ageing, Healthy Mind & Mood Susan Deeley Healthy Ageing, Healthy Mind & Mood Susan Deeley


Nootropics is a term used by the pharmaceutical industry for substances that enhance memory and/or cognitive performance. I.e ADHD drugs are in this category. In this article I am going to introduce some herbal and nutritional nootropics. You may not have heard that term before- nootropics- but it really just refers to helping your brain perform better. They may also be called smart drugs, because they are meant to improve mental performance in healthy people.

Many people use these medicines to enhance their performance, but they may also be beneficial at specific times such as when studying, going through menopause, suffering from brain fog, or wanting to keep your brain in its best shape as you age. They may also be used as a potential preventative when there is a family history of dementia and memory loss.

Nootropic herbs and natural substances have crossovers with both adaptogenic and nervine herbs, but specifically refer to substances that enhance the brain and mind capacity. However, of course, they need to work in the context of the whole person and their lifestyle. They will not work as well when the diet is poor, when stress is high.

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Healing Herbs, Healthy Mind & Mood Susan Deeley Healing Herbs, Healthy Mind & Mood Susan Deeley

Herbs for Anxiety and Stress

This article will explain some ways to deal with acute or chronic anxiety and stress in a safe and immediate way with herbal medicine. Often, when we are in an anxious or otherwise distressed state of mind, we can forget the resources we have available to us to calm our activated nervous system. I work with herbs, nutrition and other simple but effective tools, but this article will just focus on a few of the herbs. 

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