Eating Well

Healthy Eating Susan Deeley Healthy Eating Susan Deeley

Don’t like vegetables? Try this.

I have always liked vegetables, and enjoyed eating a wide range of colourful ones, knowing they were also good for me…but not everyone enjoys eating veggies. It’s not your fault if you don’t like eating vegetables. The world of ultra-processed and takeaway foods corrupts and overstimulates our palate. Excess salt, MSG and both natural and artificial flavours are scientifically designed to be addictive, and to make normal food less appealing. So it is a process of learning to love the simpler flavours again - retraining the tastebuds. It is possible! …….

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Healthy Eating Susan Deeley Healthy Eating Susan Deeley

Back to basics: 2&5

There seems to be an obsession with protein in many health circles and I have probably overemphasised it myself. But what most people really don’t eat enough of in our calorie-rich and nutrient-poor culture, is fruit and vegetables. According to studies, about 50% of people don’t eat 2 pieces of fruit a day and a whopping 93% don’t eat the recommended 5 servings of vegetables daily.

That means most of my clients and most of my readers need to catch up on basic nutritional needs. Fundamental needs, for the body to thrive.

The short to medium-term consequences for not getting basic building blocks of nutrients are symptoms such as fatigue, dragging yourself through your day, and being prone to frequent illnesses. The longer-term consequences are well documented to include diabetes, cancer and heart disease.

It’s not so difficult…

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Healthy Eating Susan Deeley Healthy Eating Susan Deeley

2 & 5

According to the latest Australian census information.....6.1% of Australians met the daily minimum recommendations for fruit and vegetable intake. Which is 2 pieces of fruit, and at least 5 servings of vegetables.

A serving is 1 cup tightly packed raw, or 1/2 cup cooked.


Those 2&5 recommendations aren't the optimal that I would recommend for healing from chronic disease- they are fundamental for basic health. They provide enough fibre, and colourful plant nutrients to help prevent cancer, and many other chronic diseases.

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