Susan Deeley | Naturopath | Online Consults | Healthy Ageing

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Anti Inflammatory Smoothie

This is a protocol that is designed to lower inflammation levels in the body rapidly. It can have quite dramatic and fast results with a chronic disease that has inflammation as a major factor (such as autoimmune conditions, but also many others). It is adapted from Dr Brooke Goldner’s Goodbye Autoimmune protocol.

Tip for colder weather: use a warm liquid, or leave ingredients out of the fridge overnight, to bring the smoothie to room temperature. You could also add ginger or a pinch of cayenne for extra warmth. I am having my daily smoothie through the cold weather and it’s fine for me as long as the smoothie is at room temperature.

Fill your blender 3/4 tightly packed with any of these: leafy greens and/or cruciferous veg- spinach, silverbeet, kale, beet greens, Chinese or savoy cabbage, Chinese greens, cauliflower etc

You can also add garden weeds and herbs like dandelion greens, chickweed, parsley, coriander etc) for extra nutrition and medicinal value.

2. Then, fill the blender the last 1/4 with fresh and/or frozen fruit such as bananas, berries, pineapple, mango, kiwifruit, orange etc

3. Then, add between 1 heaped Tbs and 1/2 cup of flax or chia seeds (which are rich in Omega3 which is anti-inflammatory). If your blender is strong, these will break down. If they don’t, then next time soak them overnight first, or grind them in a coffee grinder first. Just don’t buy them already ground because they go rancid quickly at room temperature.

4. Add liquid of your choice- water is fine. Coconut water is also good. PLant milk can also be good. Make sure you add enough liquid so it is easy to drink.
Drink either immediately or over the course of the day. You can make more than 1 smoothie in the day too. They will last 24 hours in the fridge.

This smoothie will flood your body with nutrients and life energy and rapidly lower inflammation.

As well as having the smoothie, it is recommended you:

Drink 3 litres of water a day (can be part of fresh vegetable juices, other smoothies, soups, herbal teas etc)
Eat a whole-food plant-based diet, which has been shown to lower inflammation levels in the body and reverse chronic disease.
Avoid these foods: anything containing gluten, eggs, dairy, highly processed foods.
You should eat a big salad for lunch ( you can add some cooked potatoes/ sweet potatoes, legumes/beans), snack on fruit, and enjoy cooked food mainly for dinner. If you eat animal protein, save it for the evening meal.