Type and Health

Human Design, Your Type and your Health

Our Human Design chart is like a circuit board and can give us a lot of information around how to  optimise the flow and functioning of the many systems in our body. When we are not in alignment with our authentic self and the way our energy is meant to flow through life, we can tend to have more health issues and suffering. 

In Human Design, we are all one of 5 types: Manifestors, Generators, Manifesting Generators, Projectors and Reflectors. I will briefly describe the ways each type is designed. This isn’t mean to be dogma, or a belief you take on. Try experimenting with it, and see if it helps. 


Manifestors are designed to get things started, to initiate things. Therefore, their energy comes in blasts of enthusiasm and inspiration to so something, giving them the energy to make something happen. However, they are not here to finish or complete everything they start- that is for others to do. 

Therefore, Manifestors can burn out when they try to finish everything they started, and to keep up with the Generators and Manifesting Generators, who have more sustinaable doing energy. 

If you are a Manifestor, realise its ok to not finish everything. Its ok to take breaks between projects for your energy to regenerate- you are not designed to be “switched on” all the time


These people have a sustainable energy for doing- as long as they are doing what is right for them. They are designed to start the day with a full gas tank and be empty by the end of the day. However, that doesnt mean they have inexhaustible energy. 

If Generators don’t love the work they do or who they are around, they won’t have good energy levels and they can burn out. 

If they are not listening to their sacral guidance about what is right for them, they can burn out. Generators can still push themselves too hard. They are designed also to be somewhat physically active, so being physically inactive at a desk job without compensatory movement, is also likely to lead to loss of energy. 

When a Generator is operating according to their design, they will love the work they do and have good energy each day to do it. They still need to balance their life with rest. 

Manifesting Generators

These types also have a strong life force energy and a sustained energy for doing, if they are in alignment with their design. This type is also very fast at processing and multi-tasking and skipping steps to get things done efficiently- and this is their design and fine for them. 

However, like Generators, they can also burn out or lose energy if they do not love the work they find themselves in, if they push themselves too hard, if they are too sedentary, or too impatient with others who move less fast than themselves. 


These types do not have a defined sacral, and are designed to manage and support and guide the energy of other people. They do not have access to sustained physical energy the way Generators and Manifesting Generators do. If they try to keep up with them, they can end up quite exhausted and unwell over the long term. 

Projectors are here to guide in the area in which they are experts, however they need to wait until they are invited to guide and not offer opinons or guidance without being asked. They often know they can help, but unless they are being fully appreciated for what they can offer, it is not correct for them, and they can end up bitter and feel that their life is not fair. However, if they step back and wait for this invitation, and rest and just do what is interesting to them in the meantime, they will have the energy available when it is needed. 

Trying to keep up with those with more sustained energy, will just lead to self recrimination and/or burnout. 

It is important htat Projectors allow themselves plenty of time for rest in between projects, and to realise they are not here to do all the work- they are here to guide others do the work. 


This is the rarest type and they are here to reflect back to the rest of us the health of our communities. They are a gift to us. These people do not have access to sustained energy. They need lots of rest and recovery time. They tend to be very energy sensitive and need to have loving and trustworthy people in their lives. They especially need to take good care of themselves. 

If Reflectors try to operate like everyone else with sustainable energy, or are around people too much, make impulsive decisions, or are not supported by friends and community…they will easily burn out. 

There are so many more layers to how to live in a healthy way by understanding your Human Design chart, however just knowing your type is a really good start. It can help the non-energy types- the Manifestors, Projectors and Reflectors- feel relief that they do not have to keep up with the Gens and Man Gens, who are 70% of the community around them. They are not designed to. 

And the Gens and Man Gens are like energiser bunnies…as long as they are operating correctly and in response to life coming toward them, being drawn toward something or repelled by it, and not being overly busy or initiating ideas from their thoughts. 

You can get a free human design chart here: 


I give Human Design readings and you can book a consult here:


Susan Deeley

I am a Naturopath serving Australian clients online. Areas of special interest include:

Healthy Ageing, Menopause, Bone/Heart/Brain Health; Gut Health Restoration; Adrenal & nervous system support; Chronic fatigue ME/CFS; Post-viral syndromes, long covid; Autoimmunity, Thyroid health, Hashimotos; Disordered eating; The Power of Plant Foods and Medicines
