Susan Deeley | Naturopath | Online Consults | Healthy Ageing

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Pesto is something I have been making for decades. My kids used to enjoy it so it made a easy quick meal: pesto and pasta. Nowadays pesto is used in so many creative ways, and the way I make it has changed too, so that it is dairy free and less oily. However, we all tend to be on different ways of eating nowadays- so you might be fine with the traditional parmeson cheese, lots of olive oil and pine nuts. That said, here is the way I am making it lately, inspired by the abundance of basil in my garden, and my preference for lower fat.


2 cups of basil (I find a cup measurement of a leafy green such a vague measurement, but this recipe can handle a bit of looseness, so I will go with it- but I would just use 2 decent handfuls of basil).

1/3 cup cashews, soaked for 30 minutes or so in warm water, then drained.

1-6 cloves of garlic - your choice!

1 tbs lemon or lime juice

2 tbs plant milk (your favourite, but a creamy one is good)

1/8 - 1/4 tsp salt

Optional : 2 tbs savoury yeast flakes


Blend all the ingredients (in a blender) to the amount that you like- super smooth, or slightly crunchy.

There are so many variations possible on this. Cashews are nice and creamy but you could also use macadamias, sunflower seeds, brazil nuts etc.

You can also use herbs other than basil, or mix a few others in such as lemon balm (delicious lemony flavour), dill, nettles (the stings go when blended or heated), dandelion leaves (bitter), nasturtium leaves (spicy)

Garlic is a wonderful kitchen herb that is also a medicine. It has a beneficial effect in the body (unless you are sensitive to it, or have a hot stomach, in which case it can upset your gut). It is selective in which bugs it kills off in the body and doesnt hurt your healthy gut microbiome, unlike some other herbs.

The savoury yeast flakes- available at supermarkets in the health food section - add a cheesy taste, but I am not sure of their health status, to be honest. I use them occasionally and consider them virtually a treat food when I am craving cheese but don’t want to have any dairy.

Tonight I am making this with some homegrown tiny tom tomatoes that I will roast quickly in my air fryer. All stirred into some legume pasta, which is one of my favourite ways to get plant-based protein, and feel like I am eating comfort food.

And a side of some greens.